How To Create a sticky WhatsApp & Telegram Join Buttons



How to Use:

  1. Replace the WhatsApp and Telegram group invite links with your actual links in the href attributes.
  2. You can customize the button text, background colors, and emoji if needed.

This design ensures that both buttons are fully responsive, animated, and attention-grabbing while looking great on all screen sizes, particularly on smartphones.

How To Create a sticky WhatsApp & Telegram Join Buttons

How To Create a sticky WhatsApp & Telegram Join Buttons

Key Features:

  1. Sticky Buttons:
    • The buttons are placed at the bottom-right corner of the screen with position: fixed so they remain visible as users scroll.
  2. Pulsing Animation:
    • Each button has a pulsing animation (@keyframes pulse) to catch attention, making it grow and shrink slightly.
  3. Animated Emojis:
    • A pointing finger emoji (👉) next to each button’s text has a bounce animation (@keyframes bounceEmoji) to encourage users to click.
  4. Mobile-Responsive Design:
    • The buttons automatically adjust their size for different screen sizes. Media queries handle tablet-sized devices (max-width: 768px) and small smartphones (max-width: 600px) by reducing the button size, font size, and icon size for a clean, compact look.
  5. WhatsApp & Telegram Logos:
    • Each button includes the appropriate logo for easy recognition.

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